Latest Book Release


Find out how our Map of Meaning Method can create positive change in your teams, fast!

Unlock Your Full Potential

Build leadership skills and authentic followership to take you & your team to the next level.  

Team Building

Work in harmony to execute key objectives. Focus on SUCKLESS instead of success to create inspiring work cultures.  

Leadership Development

A council of like-minded people helping you grow to your fullest potential. 

Stress Management

Move beyond hectic schedules & into meaningful impact. We’ll teach you how!


Develop your individual confidence, poise & resilience skills to inlfuence your teams with purpose.

Why Leaders Need Coaching? 

Ever wondered why you gravitate towards certain people? Have you ever been overwhelmingly inspired to do something great? This is what true leaders can offer. They give us a sense of belief in ourselves & the team around us. They become our mentors & our council. Our work becomes more than just the daily grind. This is what I offer you, the ability to authentically lead yourself & those around you to become the best you can be, authentically!     

Create Authentic Leadership Influence

People should want to follow you because they believe in what you stand for and in where you are taking them in this journey. 

Improve Job Satisfaction

We all have a job to do, but understanding the true value of this and impact on the organization can be a forgotten art. Increased job satisfaction leads to better results both intrinsic and organisational. 

Create a Meaningful Path

Do you or your staff feel like you are in a dead-end job. Find out what’s holding you back and how to harness the power of each member. 

Improve Relationship Connectedness

A disconnected team is a losing team. Improved connectedness will build staff moral, team culture and develop a growth-mindset. 

Stay on Track

Find out how we can help keep you and your team on track through the developmental journey. It’s one thing to know, and another to implement! 

Lead with Conviction

Do you have the skills required to deliver key messages to your team, with purpose and conviction? Leaders need to inspire change. Ask how we can help. 

About Me

We all have a story to tell, mine truly began through the loss of a loved one. In the depth of self-reflection I found a calling, something that I was truly passionate about and made sense to me.

That something is working with people who have the ability to positively influence and shape others around them. From sporting athletes and elite coaches, to business executives, my mission is to assist leaders in creating exceptionally meaningful outcomes for themselves and those they lead.  

If you are an aspiring or established leader needing guidance in business or life, reach out to me and let’s connect.  

Dr. James Zois is an International Human Performance Researcher, Lecturer, successful business owner, Executive Coach, speaker and leadership consultant. He is the author of “Making It Count” – 7 Steps to a More Meaningful Existence, a blue print for creating meaning in busy lives and leading with purpose.  

Yours in service,

Dr. James Zois


Connect with me


Leadership Council

3 month program.

Join like minded leaders in group & individual sessions.

Develop your leadership practice.

Build authentic influence & maximise your inner potential & that of your teams.

On-Path Program

15min weekly coaching

Our On-Path Program is aimed for individuals with prior experience in being coached.

We keep you on track & help remove road blocks quickly & effectively!

Very cost effective & practical for busy leaders. 

Private Coaching

On-going individual coaching.

Find your true calling or work through challenging road blocks.

Learn how to reduce the noise in your life/work & truly achieve!  

Get the best out of yourself & find true happiness.

Mastery Program

3 month program.

Group & individual sessions for leaders wanting to share their expertise.

Preparing you for presentation to wider public. 

Creating your style of authentic influence. Maximising your impact.

Find Your Balance. Set Your Journeys. Take A Challenge. Lead With Purpose.

Executive coaching is an integral part of personal and professional development. It provides the dedicated space, time & expertise to guide you through life’s challenges in a meaningful way. 

You will learn skills that will change not just your life, but of those close to you & the people you influence. Everyone wants to be the best they can be, but not everyone knows what that looks like or how to action it daily!  

We can help! 

Make an appointment or enquire about any of our services today!